Scary Dark Become Art Of Body Painting

I'm a mechanic. I love the physical and metaphysical mechanics of things, especially how they interlink. That's why my business is named "The Energetic Connection," and why my work is all about the tapestry of energy and physiology, body as a vessel for spirit, and spirit moving like a mist into our Earthly anchors.

It's also why I feel so strongly about the idea that growth only happens with consciousness. In our bodies, that means brain, a heart that pumps blood, and mind coupled with knowingness and divine connection. Recent brain research tells us that our neo-cortex or upper brain, and our mid-brain or super consciousness is not always connected or integrated.

This is where self-mastery, awareness of our awareness and energy linked to physiology come into play. We can pretend that the Universe will simply give us the information or experiences we desire, or even blame God for our plight in life. We can allow the wind to blow us wherever and say that it was the will of God or that we surrendered to a higher power. I say that's a lie.

The truth is, we must have a say in what we create or we are at best irresponsible; at least apathetic; at worst unconscious or even dead.

And this is why I am so concerned with choice and actualization, clearing out old stagnant energies to make room for our Divinity. In essence, we need to empty ourselves of the emotional and mental dross to make room for our "real" knowingness and brilliance...our essential entitlement. And for that we need some tools and some systems, then we can put it all into conscious motion.

It's a lot like restoring an old house or applying a fesh coat of paint to an old wall. First we need to prep the surface for its new finish, yet without the proper tools, all we can do is look at it and imagine. One day down the road we may not have to work this hard to put up a new wall; for now though, until we become expert manifesters, we need to use a little elbow grease. Honestly, I will always be one to encourage the use of our physical hands in these instances. We were built to use our hands to make things, to create incredible works of art, music and poetry; to serve, touch and heal ourselves.

There are so many other ways to manifest miracles in these bodies; we don't need to pull rabbits out of hats or grow money trees, showing off our tricks and magic. We need to expose our hearts and expand our minds, opening our bodies to anchor our spirits and give juice to our soul's mission and life's work.

Take the leap from prepping and painting a wall to observing and emptying the container; seeing what comes out is one of the first steps to attaining enlightenment. After we experience intolerance of others' behaviors, becoming aware of our own behaviors, complexes, reactions and projections are some of the first layers of paint. This level of observation is true awareness and breeds new awarenesses which lead to an experience of emptiness, if only for the moment.

Now we can say we've come out of denial for that particular event.

We actually need to make it a regular practice so our container readily, and kind of automatically, clears itself out. That way we can feel some level of relative emptiness and go even deeper the next time. If we don't sand off the top layer of paint there's no way we will ever find the next, much less the natural beauty of the wood underneath.

When this daily practice becomes a regular habit, it becomes a system that will help us continually scrape away old patterns. We can almost effortlessly empty ourselves of each situation as it arises and eventually we start to see what lies underneath, and so it goes.

Here we discover the next level of awareness and then we can begin to acknowledge, embrace and release the stagnancy. Soon our systematic releases include not only what's happening in the moment, yet also what lies beneath; our scraping muscles become stronger, more readily available.

It's usually the stuff in the middle, between unconsciousness and full consciousness that scares us and often gives us a good excuse to go out through the backdoor. Our fingernails break, our hands get sore and our arms tire when we encounter a particularly gooey or thick layer of paint.

We might even lose friends in the process because we stink up our lives and change in unknown ways. Even when it becomes really lonely, just keep scraping; you'll build up muscles you never knew you had and your emptiness will call in new friends. Remember to get the proper tools first and take a shower each day.

As with all good fables and parables, this one not only has a good ending, it has several layers of understanding. Once you begin to peel away the old paint, you will understand it all in a new way.

Emptiness is not loneliness. It is sacred space awaiting your recognition of the Divine inside you.

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