Body Painting Art Fun

Body Painting Art Fun

The body of the painting shows 'Still Life' with the three key objects of the title, The Curtain, Jug, and Compotier. "Rideau, Cruchon et Compotier" depicts these simple everyday objects in a decorative manner, while giving it a 'Realistic' perspective all along. The special feature of the painting is its unique brushstrokes and harmonious color schemes. At the first glance, the colors look inspired by those of Mother Nature, when they actually are blended with Paul's creative dash of hued fantasies. This painting corroborates the artist's subtle observation skill and his sensuous taste of color blending.

Ambroise Vollard, a dealer from Paris, possessed the painting initially. Later, it cruised through Cornelis Hoogendijk, Paul Rosenberg, Dr Albert C. Barnes, and the Carroll Carstairs Gallery. "Rideau, Cruchon et Compotier" then was sold at a record price, during the auction of Whitney family collection. It further stayed with many other art lovers. This priceless piece was eventually sold as the most expensive painting at Sotheby's, one of the oldest auction houses in New York, on May 10, 1999, for $60,502,500.

Paul Cezanne's keen observations combined with his inspiration from nature, led to the generation of fantastic artworks. Throughout his life, he remained a devoted Roman Catholic. In his own words, "When I judge art, I take my painting and put it next to a God-made object like a tree or flower. If it clashes, it is not art."

Even after several years of his death, Paul Cezanne is honored as a tremendous milestone in the world of creativity, and he continues to rule every art lover's heart. He is still alive in the form of his precious painting, "Rideau, Cruchon et Compotier," a definite bright star in the sky of 'Modern Painting.'

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